25 Mar 2020Covid19 and brands: communication needs a service
Coronavirus puts communication to the test It’s time to do a thorough check-up for a quick and safe restart Brands are now facing challenges that they never even imagined would have to cope with. In these uncertain times of global emergency and drastic changes, CEOs are called more than ever to make decisions whose effects [...]

11 Jan 2018AI for PR: questions we must immediately address
Guest post by Kathleen Reynolds of CooperKatz, our Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) partner in New York City. I know why AI is a “buzzword.” If you’re in public relations and you drank every time you heard a client or colleague say “AI,” you’d be more than buzzed. Before 10:00 a.m. We participated in a webinar [...]

14 Apr 2016When contrast technique fits visual storytelling
We live in an age more and more marked by digital and the communication field undergoes a continuous evolution and new reprocessings that deeply change the way we manage the communication flow. The importance of images for an efficient and engaging communication is by now clear for all: anyone can experience it, starting from his/her [...]

31 Mar 2016From Sport to Corporate Storytelling
In recent times, we have heard a lot about “Storytelling”, the art of using stories to communicate and connect with target audiences. Born as a purely journalistic narrative method, this set of techniques and specific skills has evolved to establish itself as a real discipline. However, there is still a lot of confusion around the definition of [...]

14 Jan 20162016 Trends: Snapchat to outdo Whatsapp and Facebook…
In the social world you should never think about and look back at the past, the watchword is future, and the Net is always looking for the “Next big thing”. To satisfy this curiosity WayUp’s, American news website, has carried out a research among college students, the part of the population most responsive to innovation. [...]

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