CHEP Collaborates With Customers To Cut Transport Costs and CO2 Emissions
CHEP announced today that its Collaborative Transportation program removed 3 million kilometres of truck haulage from Europe’s roads in the past 12 months, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 2,887 metric tons – the equivalent of CO2 emissions from the electricity use of 397 homes for one year* – while producing cost savings for CHEP customers.
Spanish dairy company CAPSA’s Logistics Director, Pere Joan Masó, said: “Since 2011, CAPSA has been looking for transport collaboration opportunities with our main suppliers. Re-using vehicles after they have completed their principal routes can enable a virtuous circle of improved efficiency amid the challenging transportation situation in which we all operate. CHEP has proven to be a strategic partner for us.”
Typically, a CHEP customer delivers products to a retailer on CHEP pallets, then returns with an empty truck. Under the Collaborative Transportation program, upon completing such a delivery, the truck – managed by a third-party logistics service provider – collects empty pallets from a CHEP partner or collects quality-inspected pallets from the nearest CHEP plant for delivery to another CHEP customer. This process eliminates empty truck movements and reduces transportation costs.
William Stobart, Chief Executive Officer, Eddie Stobart Limited, one of the nine logistics service providers involved in the program in the UK, said: “Every organisation’s supply chain is different and unique, and each initiative varies in terms of size and scale, but ultimately the goal is to reduce transportation distances and empty road miles across their network, which benefits everyone involved, as well as the environment. We’re delighted to be one of the partners involved in the program and look forward to building on the excellent results achieved thus far.”
CHEP is expanding efforts to bring more customers into the Collaborative Transportation program, as well as looking to identify other opportunities for initiatives that create supply-chain cost savings and sustainability benefits for customers. Through this kind of collaboration, CHEP is helping customers reduce costs and benefitting the environment through lower carbon emissions. CHEP aims to be a strategic partner by becoming a leading green brand, providing the best environmental supply-chain solutions in the logistics industry.
Frédéric Fimbel, who leads the Collaborative Transportation program for CHEP Europe, said: “Each initiative varies in terms of size and scale, but ultimately the goal of reducing transportation distances and empty kilometres across our network benefits CHEP, our customers and the environment. Customers realise that by sharing transportation with us, they can find additional savings and do something good for the environment at the same time. Over the last 12 months we collaborated on this program with 85 companies across Europe”.
For further information regarding the CHEP’s Collaborative Transportation program please visit www.chep.com or contact Frédéric Fimbel, who leads the CHEP’s Collaborative Transportation program in Europe: Frederic.Fimbel@chep.com
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