New Piloxing® Knockout takes fitness to a whole new level
Piloxing® is a non-stop cardio fusion of standing pilates moves, boxing exercises and dance. Being founded in 2010 in Los Angeles, USA, the Piloxing® Academy LLC entered the European market a year later and from that moment on the company showed double digit growth figures every year. Today, 1,5 million participants enjoy the empowerment of Piloxing in group classes. After the introduction of Piloxing® Barre in 2014, this year the Rimini Wellness 2015 is the third European trade show where the company introduces its killer workout program, called Piloxing® Knockout. Piloxing is the fitness brand with the highest retention figures in the industry.
Fourth element
Piloxing blends the power, speed and agility of boxing with the targeted sculpting and flexibility of pilates. It is supplemented by the use of weighted gloves (250 grams) to tone the arms and to maximize cardiovascular health. Dance and music are the elements that create fun during these group sessions. With Piloxing Knockout, a fourth element is added to boxing, pilates and dance: high-intensity plyometric functional training. This new program takes group fitness training to a whole new level and makes it one of the ultimate tests in athleticism. Participants survive six rounds, consisting of one 3-minute base and one 2-minute drill, that pushes the physical abilities past one’s limits.
The Piloxing Academy
After a full day of certification courses, professionals can become Piloxing Instructors; this is the base program, which stands for Sleek, Sexy and Powerful. One can also follow certification courses for Piloxing® Barre (a comprehensive, well-rounded workout which is low impact, yet intensity building) and Piloxing Knockout. With Piloxing Barre, Piloxing SSP and Piloxing Knockout the Academy offers a complete range of group fitness trainings from low to very high impact.
Each quarter, new choreography, content and music are released, to help instructors whom have become members of PIA (Piloxing® Instructors Association). Above that, PIA-members in Europe are supported by a Piloxing Event Truck that can be booked for local events and shows, and also by PR-kits that help instructors and gyms to obtain free publicity for their programs in local newspapers, magazines, on radio and even television. These support programs assist the instructor to quickly fill their classes, which, by the nature of the group sessions, maintain high retention levels. Moreover, a European Customer Service organization will be founded in Europe this Spring. Starting in English, German and Dutch, other languages will be supported at a later stage. This should help all PIA-members to overcome the time barrier of 8 to 10 hours that till now existed between Europe and the LA Head Quarters.
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