Social Business Forum 2013: shared innovation, digital marketing and social enterprise at the core of the international guests presences
Scheduled on the 12th and 13th of June at the Marriott Hotel in Milano, the Social Business Forum 2013 is a unique event giving the professional community the opportunity to participate in a series of conferences and round tables with internationally renowned professionals.Thanks to the free/premium conference paradigm, the forum is made accessible to both those working in the field, as well as the general public. All will be able to attend and hear experts intervene on topics regarding social enterprise, digital marketing and participated innovation.
Both days will see the participation of prestigious keynote. Some speakers include: Sandy Carter, Ram Menon, Jacob Morgan, Ray Wang, Esteban Kolsky, Sameer Patel, Brett King, George Siemens, Michael Brito and many others. After lunch, those attending the premium conference will be able to chose from a variety of itineraries, organized vertically by industry: many successful business cases will be presented to better understand the value that social business has been generating in the last years. Some of the business cases that will be presented include: Barilla, BNP-Paribas, ENI, Whirlpool, Ermenegildo Zegna, Pirelli, Vodafone and Illy. These companies have confirmed their presence two months before the event. At the same time, the main conference room will be hosting a series of speeches (Social Business Bricks). These will be open to everyone, including more than 15 interventions examining in depth the conference’s topics.
The 2013 edition will feature internationally known speakers along with Rosario Sica and Emanuele Scotti – cofounders of OpenKnowledge – and will present the most current issues regarding Digital Transformation, Big Data, Social Learning, Digital Marketing, Social Collaboration, Intranet 2.0 e Social CRM. The experience and the expertise of prestigious professionals will enrich this appreciated event that has grown extensively throughout the years thanks to the powerful insights and suggestions brought by those evangelists and specialists who have nurtured the development of social business. The topics will be tackled with a focus on innovation, but without loosing sight of the business dimension. Together with those who are speaking for the first time, some protagonists of the past editions have re-confirmed their presence again this year, attesting the importance of this international event.
“Following the success of the first edition in 2008, the social business forum has grown both in terms of participation and prestige, and become a reference point renowned worldwide” explains Rosario Sica, CEO and Co-founder of OpenKnowledge. “The trend that we are noticing at the moment shows how the companies are taking cognizance of the urgent necessity to proceed with the digital transformation. We have acknowledged that since last year the main question has shifted: it’s not anymore about weather or not to launch a digital transformation of your business, but how to do it, and what is the best way to understand it and effectively implement it. Of course this growing attention and interest towards the adoption of social business has to face the reality of business organizational structures: these generally put forward some resistance to the transformations of the social enterprise. Since the first edition we have invested a lot on the quality of the interventions, giving credit to the keynote speakers for the real quality of the event. Today we stand out as the only organization that is able to offer high level contents, both in the paid conference and in the free one”.
Social Business Forum 2013 – Keynote Speaker
Jacob Morgan, Principal – Chess Media Group, Author of “The Collaborative Organization”Murali Sitaram, Vice President and General Manager, Cisco Cloud Collaboration ApplicationsTechnology Group Cisco
George Siemens, TEKRI atAthabasca University,Canada
Rob Howard, Founder – CTO at Telligent
Brett King, Banking 3.0, American Banker BTN’s Innovator of the Year and the founder of Movenbank
Michael Brito, SVP, Social Business Strategy at EdelmanDigital
Sandy Carter, IBM Vice President – Author of “Get Bold”
Esteban Kolsky, Principal & Founder – ThinkJar
Sameer Patel, General Manager,EnterpriseSocial & Collaborative Software – SAP
Larry Prusak, Professor atColumbiaUniversity– Information and Knowledge Strategy Program
Luis Suarez, Community Builder & Social Computing Evangelist in IBM
Ray Wang, Principal Analyst & CEO at Constellation Research
Ram Menon, President – Social Computing at TIBCO Software
Microsoft, Cisco, Ibm, Sap, Telligent, Tibco, myTeamWorks, Ariadne, Clearvale by BroadVision, Infor,Innovation Cast by We Listen, Tally Fox
Main Media Partner:
Harvard Business Review
Media Partner:
01Net, Archinfo, Business Community, Customer Management Insight, Computer World, Digital Document Magazine, Distribuzione Moderna, Este, Fierce Market, Gi Group, Ict Business, Mark-Up, Nova 24 Ore, Sirmi, Technopolis, Temporary Management
Provincia di Milano, Università Cattolica de Sacro Cuore, Adico, Aica, ANFoV Anitec, Asseprim, Assinform,Assintel Digitale, Asso.It, Assodigitale, Aused, CDO Informatica, Confindustri Digitale, Dma Italia,
Federmanager, Fida Inform, Italia Startup, Manageritalia, Netcomm,
Marketing ServicePartner:
GlobalMarketing Service, Mail Up, Riverstone, Sound PR, Staff, Young Digitals
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