Sound Public Relations (Sound PR), the historic Milanese agency, celebrates 25 years of consultancy in communication strategies and public relations. The communications sector has experienced a true revolution over the years combined with important structural changes which have had a radical effect on the role and profile of those working in this market.
This has been particularly true in the recent past with an acceleration in the rate of change, it being essential to be able to meet the new challenges this throws up with enthusiasm and to respond to fast-changing market needs – factors of strategic importance for business growth. It has been precisely these qualities that have enabled Sound Public Relations to achieve this milestone of 25 years of business with such success.
To follow SOUND PR’s development over the years we have to go back to 1991, the year in which Matteo Prencipe founded MaxiMarketing, a public relations and marketing communications agency specialising in the Information & Communication Technology sector. In 1994 Prencipe then set up Work in Progress, an agency entirely dedicated to event organisation. Both companies soon gained reputations as among the leading independent agencies in the IT market.
In 2001 Alessandra Malvermi founded SOUND PR, an agency specialising in public relations which merged with MaxiMarketing and Work in Progress soon after, creating a new agency which kept the SOUND PR name. This marked the beginning of a period of strategic diversification away from the initial reference sector. Thus to information technology was added health and beauty, sportswear, sport and leisure, fitness, music and show business, furnishings, industrial engineering, logistics, construction, and public administration.
Firmly integrated in the local market but also with proven international experience, SOUND PR is aware of the importance of developing networking in order to optimise, enlarge and diversify its business, in order to exploit its expertise and experience to the full. In 2005 it thus joined the international organisation Public Relations Global Network, becoming the latter’s sole reference public relations agency for the Italian market.
In order to strengthen its position further, the agency joined other important networks and associations within the communications world. In 2009 it joined TIPIK European Network, (based in Brussels and specialising in the management of events and special projects for the European Union and big business). This was followed in 2015 by membership of PR Hub, the open knowledge and collaborative intelligence platform set up within Assocom.
Our long-lasting relations with global brands and the numerous accolades we have received both from these networks and from clients themselves represent confirmation of the value of our experience and the great importance given to our consultancy by our clients.
Matteo Prencipe, General Manager of Sound PR states the position as follows: “[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]The role of PR in the electronic age has even more central importance in the creation of trust, confidence and involvement[/inlinetweet] in that it impacts every moment of the customer journey. There is certainly no lack of opportunities. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]The challenge for PR professionals is to remain nimble and embrace innovation to change with the times.[/inlinetweet] So far as globalisation is concerned, international relations are of fundamental importance in encouraging growth understood in economic terms but also the growth of skills, professionalism and the widening of horizons generally.” “This anniversary is a great tribute to SOUND PR. We are proud to have achieved this landmark and ready to meet the challenges the future has for us with optimism and determination.
“[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Today the market creates more content than users are able to exploit and disseminates it through a bewildering number of different channels.[/inlinetweet] Traditional media are now complemented by social media, blogs and a myriad apps. It thus goes without saying that it is no longer enough for a brand to reach its audience just by seeking its attention, it now has to create unique ties with its own community based on trust, identification, shared values and so on.” Says Alessandra Malvermi, Managing Partner of Sound PR. “Just because our business is now 25 years old certainly doesn’t mean we have in any way lost the desire to look to the future, open new doors, continue to explore new areas and consolidate our skills to provide ever more effective support to our present and future clients.”
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