Work Smarter
Whether you work in public relations, the media or some other related industry, your job can be demanding. You’re probably used to hearing your family and friends say things like, “Why are you checking your email after work hours?” “I thought you worked Monday through Friday, so why are you running into the office on Saturday?” You either brush off these comments or passionately stand up for your behavior. I do both.
For me, I’ve found that deadlines and the need for a quick turnaround are a couple factors for working late. Whatever you face that make your job demanding, I created a quick guideline to help offset those factors.
Here are five tips on how to work smarter, not harder:
- Think ahead – Take a few minutes before work, as you’re getting ready or while you’re on your way in to the office to think about your priorities for the day. This helps ensure your head is in the game before you walk through the doors.
- New focus – Every morning start with a brand new to-do list. A to-do list scribbled with yesterday’s notes can feel overwhelming. I work off an ongoing list as well as a daily list.
- Act immediately – Major projects aside, if you’re asked to do something, don’t put it off. Do it at that very moment. Chances are you’ll spend more time writing it down and remembering to do it later.
- Break accordingly – Breaks help your sanity, so take them. Make sure your breaks allow you to relax your mind whether it’s going for a quick walk or socializing with your coworkers. Rest does wonders.
- Avoid getting stuck – If you’re stuck on a project, just move on. If you’re like me you have 10 other timely things you could work on instead of using your time to be stuck in a rut.
Those are some of the things I’ve found to help me avoid working longer hours than necessary, but I’m always looking for more. What have you found to help you work smarter and not harder?
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