Unioncamere Lombardia – Regione Lombardia – CCIAA Cremona e Mantova
Promotion of a Made in Italy gastronomic excellence: mostarda
Press office, video production, graphic design
Mostarda is a typical Lombard food product, known and appreciated throughout Italy, but culturally linked to the Christmas period.
Sound PR has been awarded for two consecutive years (2017 and 2018) the tender called by Unioncamere Lombardia for the campaign to support one of the most typical products of the Lombard gastronomic tradition.
Main campaign’s objectives
- Highlight the importance of mostarda as a product of excellence in the Italian gastronomic landscape.
- Promote mostarda as a product to taste all year round.
- Increase the visibility of the “Mostarda Festival” kermesse.
SOUND PR created different story angles in order to provide ad hoc approaches for different kind of media and influencers: food, travel & leisure; lifestyle, etc.
The development of the project also included graphic design, promotional materials and video production.
The 2019 edition of the “Mostarda Festival” is going to start and Sound PR is back in the saddle again. Stay tuned for updates.
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